Tuesday, January 19, 2010


听回好久没听的一首歌 <私奔到月球>, 才发现歌词真的很好,特别是这两句:

" (阿信) 其實妳 是個心狠又手辣 的小偷 我的心 我的呼吸 和名字都偷走

(陳綺貞 )你才是 綁架我的兇手 機車後座的我 吹著風 逃離了平庸 "


Friday, January 15, 2010

Glucosamine For Our Joints!!

Glucosamine: The lubricant for Joints!

Everything that is connected needs lubricant. The door needs lubricant so that you wont have to suffer the "Kyerrrkkkk~~ " sound every u open it, mechinery needs it to prevent overheating, so do our joints, especially our knee, where most ppl suffer the pain and causes inconvenient to move around. Yes, Surely a prescribed pain killer can relieve the pain ... but the side effects that come along with the pain killer is devastating too (for details of side effects, best ask your pharmacist), so a long term management with glucosamine is preferred.

By the way, what is glucosamine?!
It's one of the component (protein) which helps the development of our joint cartilage. It also prevent the friction when we move our bones! Sadly, thru aging, this protein is less synthesised by our body. Supplement is crucial to prevent or replace it! many documents also supported the use of glucosamine in treating joint pain.

According to British National Formulary (BNF): The recommended daily dose is 1000mg to 2000mg. It is advised to take on empty stomach!!

Lets have a look at the common glucosamine we can get from our local pharmacies :

Kordel Glucosamine 550 Capsules
Glucosamine : 550mg
Recomended dosage : 1 cap twice a day before food.
Advantage : price!

Viartril-S Sachets
(also comes in capsules of 250mg and 500mg)
Glucosamine : 1500mg
Recommended dosage: 1 sachets perday.
Advantage: High dosage of glucosamine (1500mg), easy taking, once a day, drink it, no Big Tablets or Capsules!! Also more elegantly manufactured but more expensive!!
Blackmores Glucosamine 1500mg
Glucosamine : 1500mg
Recommended dosage: 1 tablets daily before food.
Advantage: High dosage of Glucosamine (1500mg) with a good price!!
Pesonally i like this!! ^.^

Biolife Glucosamine
Glucosamine : 500mg
Recommended dosage: 1 capsules twice a day before food (empty stomach)
Advantage: Price!

And many many more.......

Anyway, pls choose the product u like most because no matter how good it is, if u don take it, it 's just a waste of money.

Also always remember, there is no MAGIC PILL, the effect of glucosamine in reducing joint pain will only comes after weeks taking it.

For further details, pls ask your doctor or pharmacist!! ^.^

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hello 2010

Hi! Welcome Year 2010!
Things to be done this year :
  1. Watch World Cup 2010...
  2. Get a New Job!
  3. Yeah, Get Married!